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We have been recycling plastic material since the 1970s.

Recovery of plastic lasts and molding of blocks

We independently produce the blocks of plastic lasts for footwear through a system of recovery of the lasts discarded by shoe factories, as well as recycling all the plastic residues from the various production phases.

We have been doing this since the 1970s, well before terms such as "eco-sustainability" and "circular economy" became common usage. .

Today we can boast a circular system of shoe last production, which allows us to avoid waste of plastic material.

In addition to drastically reducing, if not eliminating, the amount of plastic waste produced, our plastic recycling system leads us to pollute significantly less, allowing us to reduce our carbon footprint.

A mix of common sense, a future-oriented mentality and the economic factor led us to make a winning choice, aiming for the recycling of plastic material.

Today, this choice allows us to make a difference also from an environmental point of view.

#Recycle #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #ZeroWaste

Our Circular Economy system

  • We purchase discarded plastic lasts that have reached the end of their usefulness through a company certified to collect them from various Italian and/or foreign shoe factories.

  • We recover our plastic production waste, both at the headquarters in Forlì and in the eight production branches.

  • Using shredders, we return the used lasts to primary materials (ground or plastic granules), ready to be used in our production cycle.

  • Using the draft molding system, we “melt”, making the material pasty and injectable into the molds, the plastic obtained from production waste and from the recovery of used lasts.

  •  We insert a small percentage of virgin plastic (about 10% of the total) to rebalance the elasticity of the material in the new shoe last drafts and obtain an ideal product.

  • We use only high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which is not considered eco-toxic, suitable for the food industry and, relative to the temperatures at which it is treated in our draft moulding system, free of harmful gases or vapours.

  • The virgin plastic is a high-density polyethylene (HDPE), specifically “Eraclene”, supplied to us exclusively by Versalis S.p.A., part of the ENI group.

  • We entrust the metal parts of the disused forms (e.g. sheet metal, pins, bushings) to a company authorised to treat and recover metals.

  • Our draft moulding and plastic recovery department, like all our other work environments, both at the headquarters in Forlì and in our production branches, is entirely powered by 100% Green Energy Certified by the Consortium for Energy Resources. We have decided to invest in this type of energy to reduce our environmental impact as much as possible.

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